

Specimen #762: The alpha specimen who controls the other specimens. He is the main cause of the outbreak and wants to annihilate all of humanity. A manipulative and very aggressive character; he taunts the players during a match saying that all their efforts are futile and that they should join his ranks instead. He can grapple with the use of his mutated arm. He can also run really fast and has superior strength and can use guns. The team must carefully strategize in order to take him down.

Grunts: They are the basic enemies of the game. They have different behaviors; some grunts carry guns and can take cover while others charge directly at the players. They primarily attack in groups, working as a squad and watching each other’s backs.

Bombers: Grunts that were injected with life pro-longing and strength enhancing chemicals but have taken in too much; these are Mutants who have a chemical imbalance, making them explode upon death.

Stalkers: Grunts with mutations caused by growth hormone imbalance. They have the ability to extend their arm at great lengths, making them able to grapple from one place to another; their arm works similar to a grappling hook. Brutes: Muscular specimens fitted with adrenaline injectors on their bodies. These adrenaline packs inject adrenaline throughout the body to enhance a specimen’s strength, speed, and damage resistance. They have a lot of health, making them hard to take down alone; players are forced to work together in order to take one down.

Stalker Turn Around
Grunt Turn Around
Claw Grunt Turn Around
Claw Grunt
Brute Turn Around
Bomber Turn Around